Prof. Dr. Azad M. Amin Kaka Shekh Naqshbandi
Personal details:
Name:Azad M. Amin Kaka Shekh.
Family name: Naqshbandi.
Date & place of birth: 19 Feb.1948. Halabja, Sulaimany, Iraq.
Marital status: married, has two children.
- 1977 awarded Ph.D. in “Geography of Natural Resources “at the University of Sofia, Bulgaria.
- 1967 given B.A. in Geography Dept. College of Education , University of Baghdad, Iraq.
- 1963 took part in Baccalaureate exam. At the secondary stage in Sulaimany, Iraq.
Specialization: Geography of Petroleum.
Academic Title: Full Professor since 1991.
Professor Dr. Azad Naqshbandi has been an academician in Iraqi University, (Basrha University & Salahaddin-Erbil University), ever 1977.
- 1968 to 1972 teacher of Geography in secondary school in Baghdad & Sulaimanya.
- 1977 to date , giving theoretical in Geography Dept. to B.A. ,M.A. &Ph.D. students in colleges of Education & Arts at Basrha University , and college of Arts at Salahaddin- Erbil University.
- 1977 to 1983 Lecturer of Geography at Basrha University.
- 1983 to 1991 Assistant Professor of Geography at Basrha University.
- 1991 to date, a professor of Geography at Salahaddin- Erbil University.
- 1992 to 1994 Head of Geography Dept. College of Arts, Salahaddin- Erbil University.
- 1994 to 2004, Dean of College of Arts, Salahaddin- Erbil University.
- 1993 to 2005. Member of Higher Education & Scientific Research Council in Iraqi Kurdistan Region.
- Supervising (5) Ph.D. students & (12) M.A. students in Salahaddin- Erbil University & Koya University.
- Member in many committees of consultation for M.A. & Ph.D. in Basrha, Baghdad, Salahaddin- Erbil, Mosul & Koya Universities.
- Visitor Professor in many Iraqi Universities.
- Member in many committees in Basrha & Salahaddin- Erbil Universities.
A – Author of the following books:
1- An Introduction to Geography of Tourism. (1980).
2- Geography of Petroleum & Energy. (1981).
3- Geography of Mineral Resources. (1982).
4- Geography of the Two Americas. (1985).
5- Regional Geography of Australia. (1985).
6- Geography of Natural Resources. (1990).
7- Geopolitics. (1995).
8- The Petroleum of Iraqi Kurdistan Region. (1997).
9- Petroleum & the Political Future of Kurds & Kurdistan. (1998).
10- Geography of Iraqi Kurdistan Region. (1998).
11- The (GAP) Project & Its Effects on the Regional States & Kurdistan. (2003).
12- Atlas of Kirkuk. (2005).
13- Geography of Weather & Climate. (2007).
14- Global Warming & Its Effects on Iraqi Kurdistan Region. (2008).
15- Local Climate. (2010).
B- Publishing about (50) papers in, (Kurdish, Arabic, Bulgarian & English), langue in scientific journals in the fields of:
1- Petroleum Geography.
2- Geopolitics & Hydro politics.
3- Tourism Geography.
4- Climatology.
5- Environment Geography.
C- Publishing more than (250) articles in the cultural journals & newspapers.
Membership of professional’s bodies:
1- Member of Iraqi Geography Society.
2- Member of Bulgarian Geography Society.
3- Member of Iraqi Environment Conservation Society.
Conferences :
Participation in more than (25) International, Regional & Local Scientific Academic Conferences in Iraq, Iran, Bulgaria, Poland, Egypt & Germany.