Dr. Sayyed Hassan Tabatabaei
(Assistant Professor)
1- Personal Identification:
First name: Sayyed Hassan Last name: Tabatabaei
Birthday: 22 May 1973 Birth place: Isfahan, IRAN
Marriage statues: Married Children: Two
E-mail: stabaei@hotmail.com or stabaei@agr.sku.ac.ir
Web page: www.Geocites.com/stabaei or www.sku.ac.ir/fa/academic/members/tabatabaei-s/main
Research interest:
- Soil infiltration
- Surface and subsurface irrigation
- Flow in Porous media
- Groundwater modeling
- Water and solute transport in soil
- Wastewater reuse
- Evapotranspiration
- Ferttigation in surface irrigation
- New challenges in soil physics (Fractal, Scaling)
- Remote sensing and GIS
2-Academic Degrees:
2-1- Ph.D. on Irrigation and Drainage (2004)
Average grade of courses: 16.63 out of 20.00
From: Department of Irrigation and Reclamation, Agriculture Faculty, Tehran University, Karaj, IRAN.
Seminar title: 1- Removal of Heavy metal from wastewater 2- Preferential flow of water and Solute transport.
Dissertation title: Seasonal variation of infiltration parameters in furrow irrigation effected by soil texture and field
2-2- M.Sc. on Irrigation and Drainage (1998)
Average: 16.74 out of 20.00
From: Department of Irrigation and Drainage, Agriculture faculty, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, IRAN
Thesis title: Mathematical and Management Model of Groundwater with emphasis on Artificial Recharge by using of
MODFLOW software (case study)
2-3- B.Sc. on Irrigation and Reclamation (1996)
Average of Grade: 16.32 out of 20.00
From: Department of Irrigation and Reclamation, Agriculture Faculty, Tehran University, Karaj, IRAN.
Type of test: MCHE
Date of test: 18 May 2000
Score: 50 out of 100
From: Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (MSRT), Tehran, IRAN (www.mche.ac.ir)
2-5-Computer programming skill:
1. General: Office 2003xp
2. Programming: Qbasic and Visual Basic
3. Irrigation water requirement: Cropwat, REF-ET
4. Water management: PMWIN
5. GIS: Arcinfo, Mapinfo