5 November 2012

Andy Y. Kwarteng§ and Ghazi A. Al-Rawas

Andy Yaw Kwarteng, Ph.D.

Director, Remote Sensing and GIS Center

Sultan Qaboos University

Sultanate of Oman


Optical and radar remote sensing data processing and applications to desert, urban, coastal and marine environments, GIS, mineral exploration and geology.


1984-1988:     Ph.D. (Dec. 1988), Remote Sensing and Economic Geology, University                                      of Texas at El Paso, Texas, USA.

Title of dissertation: Remote Sensing Applied to the Exploration of

Uranium-mineralized Breccia Pipes in Northwestern Arizona, USA.

Academic Awards

  • American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineering Scholarship, 1987/88.
  • Bruce Davidson Memorial Award, 1986/87 (most outstanding doctoral student).
  • International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Fellowship, August 1984-February 1985.

1982-1984:     M.Sc. (May 1984), Mineral Exploration, McGill University, Montreal                                          Canada

Academic Awards

  • David Harrigan Award (outstanding student in mineral exploration), 1982/83.
  • Ghana Government Scholarship, 1982-1984.

1975-1978:     B.Sc. (December 1978), Geology (major) and Physics (minor),                                                      University of Ghana, Accra, Ghana.

Academic Awards

  • Ghana Geological Survey Scholarship, 1975-1978.


Aug 2002        Director, Remote Sensing and GIS Center, Sultan Qaboos University,      To                   Muscat Oman. Duties include teaching of remote sensing and GIS Present                       courses at Sultan Qaboos University (SQU); coordinating remote                                                       sensing and GIS activities and research projects within SQU and                                                      between the SQU and the ministries, industry and institutions outside                                        Oman.

Aug. 1993       Research Scientist, Remote Sensing Group, Division of

To                        Environmental and Earth Sciences, Kuwait Institute for Scientific

Aug 2002        Research (KISR). Manager of Remote Sensing Laboratory. Duties

included optical and radar remote sensing analysis and interpretation for

desert and marine applications.

July-                Visiting Research Scientist, Radiation Laboratory, College of

To                   Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Department,

Sep. 1997        University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. Duties included

development of algorithms for terrain mapping using radar imagery.

Dec. 1990       Research Scientist at the Research Institute of King Fahd University of               To                    Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. Duties included

July 1993      remote sensing analysis for environmental monitoring and natural resource evaluation, GIS analysis on Sun workstation with ARC/INFO,     image processing, geology, mineral and petroleum exploration.    Participated in application of remote sensing techniques to monitoring

the 1991 Arabian Gulf Oil Spill and the Kuwait oil fires.

Aug. 1989       Full-time Associate Geologist at Texasgulf Inc., Midland, Texas, USA.               To                   Duties included supervision of          drilling projects, core logging,

Nov. 1990       geophysical log interpretation, geological mapping, interpretation of

Landsat and aerial photographs, and geochemistry for sulfur exploration

in the Permian Basin of West Texas and New Mexico.

Summer                      One month in northern Arizona spent studying and collecting spectral 1987                     reflectance from mineralized breccia pipes. In addition, two months                                             spent in the U.S. Geological Laboratories in Reston and Denver doing                                                spectral reflectance and clay minerals studies and analysis.

Summer          Employee of Uranerz USA Inc. prospecting for uranium-mineralized

1986               breccia pipes in Arizona,

Summer          Employee of the U.S. Geological Survey exploring for breccia pipes

1985                in northern Arizona.

Summer                      Senior student assistant with Dome Mineral Exploration

1984                Ltd., Canada. Prospected for gold in iron formation in northern Ontario,                         Canada.

Summer                      Senior student assistant at Lynx Mineral Exploration Ltd., Canada.

1983                Duties involved mapping and geochemical prospecting for gold and base

metals in the Abitibi region of Canada.


Jan. 1979        Full-time geologist with the Ghana Geological Survey. Leader of

To                               uranium exploration project in the Voltain Basin, sponsored by the

Dec. 1981       International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Ghana Atomic

Energy Commission. Also participated in geologic mapping, exploration for gold, bauxite, and clay.

Summer                      Geological mapping in the Winneba area of Ghana as part of B.Sc.

1977                degree requirements. Worked with the University of Ghana mapping                                           and geochemistry project in the greenstone belt of northern Ghana.

Summer                      Student geological assistant with the Ghana Geological Survey.

‘75 & ‘76        Participated in geological mapping and gold exploration programs.





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