ARTES 8 Alphabus/Alphasat is dedicated to the development and deployment of the Alphasat satellite. Alphasat is being built in partnership between ESA and European operator Inmarsat by Astrium. It is the first satellite to us...
The 7th edition of the international congress Geotunis which was opened on April 8 closed its activities on Friday, April 12 2013. The congress gathered the academic, training and investment aspects thanks to the remarkable int...
Dr. Mohamed AYARI, President of the Tunisian Association of Digital Geographic Information and President of the EuroArab Union of Geomatics, visited the Iraqi Republic from December 22 to December 30 2012. During this visit he ...
PASADENA, Calif. — Astronomers using NASA’s Spitzer and Hubble space telescopes have probed the stormy atmosphere of a brown dwarf, creating the most detailed “weather map” yet for this class of cool, st...
Regarding his efforts in promoting the scientific cooperation between institutions at the Arab and International levels and the use of Geomatics technology, the president of the University of Takrit, Dr. Mzahem Kacem Alkaiat, g...
The first edition of GeoSP was published in April. The edition includes several researches and good quality studies which was presented to international arbitration. The first edition includes an interview with the president of...
Regarding the importance of geographic information in the improving the security performance, the Tunisian security institution participated in the 7th edition of Geotunis, which was held in Hammamet 8- 12 April 2013. A study d...
Dr. Monji Marzouk, Minister of communication and Information Technologies opened on Monday, April 8 2013 the activities of the 7th edition of the international congress geotunis held under the slogan: Through geographic infrast...
Modeling Ripeness Grading of Palm Oil Fresh Fruit Bunches through Image Processing using Artificial Neural Network Osama M. Ben Saaed1, Meftah Salem M Alfatni1,2*, Abdul Rashid Mohamed Shariff3 and Hadya S Hawedi1 1Faculty of I...
A collaboration protocol was signed on Wednesday morning May 15,2013 inthe Euro-Arab Union of geomatics office inBeirut,Lebanon. The protocol states the technical and scientific cooperation between academics and professionals i...
The President of the Tunisian Association of Digital Geographic Information, Mr. Mohamed AYARI with a delegation from the Association visited Algeria from December 09 to December 15, 2012. The travel included a visit to a numbe...
Study the characteristics and nature of the Indian dates tree. Tamarindus Indica L In the southwestern region (Jizan and Asir) Corresponding Author Mosaed Saeed Ali Alhader King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology General...