Publication in international scientific magazines and journals, holding an international standard serial number has been subject for debate during the latest period.
Scientists, academics and researchers are in a contentious search for scientific magazines, journals and publications known for their scientific credibility and originality to have their work checked and evaluated as they work hard in order to publish their work to prove their scientific abilities and promote their knowledge.
Unfortunately, there are parts that tend to abuse the growing number of researchers, who ask for their research to be published, in order to gain money from them. In fact, they claim that the publishing magazines are attributed to scientific institutions, which do not exist in reality or stooped their scientific activities or just holding names of institutions which do not exist.
Within this context, GeoSP magazine has received an invitation to participate in a congress in April 2013; the invitation included:
The researches accepted online, in the environment and water international magazine published by the Euro-Arab Organization of Environment, Water and Desert Research and the International Magazine of Earth and Geomatics which is published by the Arab Organization of Remote Sensing and GIS.
After checking the indicated magazines, it was discovered that they either do not exist or they are published by other parties that do not have any relation with the congress.
For instance, the International Magazine of Earth and Geomatics attributed to the Arab Organization of Remote Sensing and GIS is in fact an international electronic magazine published by the International Association of Publication from India and has no relation with this congress neither with this link:
After our research to find out about the Organization of Remote Sensing and GIS we found neither its address nor the names of the people responsible for it.
Thus, researchers and academics should be sure about credibility of that kind of information; internet could be a useful tool for researcher to check the credibility of any information and to find the best ways of scientific publication.
In order not to fall in such traps, researchers should check the magazines they want to deal with, its editing administration, its legal status and ISSN.
We believe that scientific and academic credibility and scientific work morals will defeat such negative and immoral actions through transmitting this information.