Precision Technologies Role in the Study of Climate Change Impact

The Second session of the International Symposium Precision Technologies Role in the Study of Climate… .

Precision Technologies Role in the Study of Climate Change Impact Precision Technologies Role in the Study of Climate Change Impact

5th International Conference on Water, Energy, Food and Agricultural Technology Istanbul, Turkey, 22-25 January 2019

5th International Conference on Water, Energy, Food and Agricultural Technology Istanbul, Turkey, 22-25… .

5th International Conference on Water, Energy, Food and Agricultural Technology Istanbul, Turkey, 22-25 January 2019 5th International Conference on Water, Energy, Food and Agricultural Technology Istanbul, Turkey, 22-25 January 2019

10th edition of the International Congress & technologies dedicated to geospatial applications

The Geographic Information Systems and Geospace Data for sustainable development            … .

10th edition of the International Congress & technologies dedicated to geospatial applications 10th edition of the International Congress & technologies dedicated to geospatial applications

Information Technology Infrastructure Library

Information Technology Infrastructure Library ITIL Oldo-lina Foundation for the French East development… .

Information Technology Infrastructure Library Information Technology Infrastructure Library

WEAP’s new version is launched

WEAP (Water Evolution and Planning) has been looking for solutions to preserve fresh water and developing… .

WEAP’s new version is launched WEAP’s new version is launched

Signing a collaboration protocol between the Euro-Arab Union of Geomatics and the Arab Union of Survey

A collaboration protocol was signed on Wednesday morning May 15,2013 inthe Euro-Arab Union of geomatics… .

Signing a collaboration protocol between the Euro-Arab Union of Geomatics and the Arab Union of Survey Signing a collaboration protocol between the Euro-Arab Union of Geomatics and the Arab Union of Survey

7th edition of Geotunis closes its activities and announces its recommendations

The 7th edition of the international congress Geotunis which was opened on April 8 closed its activities… .

7th edition of Geotunis closes its activities and announces its recommendations 7th edition of Geotunis closes its activities and announces its recommendations

Tunisian security institution participates in the activities of the 7th edition of Geotunis

Regarding the importance of geographic information in the improving the security performance, the Tunisian… .

Tunisian security institution participates in the activities of the 7th edition of Geotunis Tunisian security institution participates in the activities of the 7th edition of Geotunis



NASA Finds 2012 Sustained Long-Term Climate Warming Trend

NASA scientists say 2012 was the ninth warmest of any year since 1880, continuing a long-term trend of rising global temperatures. With the exception of 1998, the nine warmest years in the 132-year record all have occurred sinc...
by Lamouchi Helmi

desert0813 (1)

The second Scientific Congress of the Desert Studies Center: Anabar University/ Iraq

The second Scientific Congress of the Desert Studies Center: Anabar University/ Iraq December 24 to December 26, 2012 The Desert Studies Center in Iraq organizes the second scientific congress from December 24 to December 26,...
by Lamouchi Helmi


Control of a Hybrid Wind-PV and Energy Storage System

Control of a Hybrid Wind-PV and Energy Storage System Mohammed Al Busaidi, Amer Al-Hinai*, Rashid Al-Abri, Mohammed Al-Badi Electrical & Computer Engineering, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman Abstract—Distributed energy gen...
by Lamouchi Helmi



Forest products industry slowly recovers from recession

18 December 2012, Rome - The global forest products industry is slowly recovering from the economic crisis, with the Asia-Pacific region and particularly China taking the lead. New data published by FAO indicate that on avera...
by Lamouchi Helmi


Clearest evidence yet of polar ice losses

30 November 2012 After two decades of satellite observations, an international team of experts brought together by ESA and NASA has produced the most accurate assessment of ice losses from Antarctica and Greenland to date. This...
by Lamouchi Helmi


Rules for the publication in the magazine

Rules for the publication: Judging: 1-      All researches, studies and articles to be published are subject to a scientific judgment by a scientific committee composed of academics and specialized capacities from Tunisia,...
by Geo-SP



Bluesky’s LiDAR experts educate Mouchel’s water industry professionals

The Mouchel Urban Drainage Academy (MUDA) trains water industry professionals Aerial mapping company Bluesky is helping water industry professionals understand the potential of laser captured height models. Following a request ...
by Lamouchi Helmi


History in 3D

Time travel to the past or to the future has always been the dream of humanity. We have always imagined life in the past or the future, but what would it be like if we walked around in the city Paris of 2000 years ago though a ...
by Lamouchi Helmi


President of the Tunisian Association of Digital Geographic Information is granted the shield of the Desert Research Center

The head of the Desert Research Center at the University of Abnar, Dr. Salah Faiad, granted the center shield to Prof. Mohamed AYARI, President of the Tunisian Association of the Digital Geographic Information, at the Universit...
by Lamouchi Helmi


Prezentacja programu PowerPoint

Comparative responses to cadmium toxicity of Arabidopsis thaliana mutant seedling (cad2) and wild type (col0)

Comparative responses to cadmium toxicity of Arabidopsis thaliana mutant seedling (cad2) and wild type (col0) CHAFFEI HAOUARI CHIRAZ1, SLATNI TARAK2, DJEMAL FATMA1, GOUIA HOUDA1 (Company / Faculté des Sciences de Tunis) 1Unive...
by Lamouchi Helmi


The Tunisian Association of Digital Geographic Information and the University of Takrit sign a scientific cooperation convention

Within the framework of his visit, Dr. Mohamed AYARI, president of the Tunisian Association of Digital Geographic Information and president of the Euro-Arab Union of Geomatics, paid a visit to the University of Takrit where he ...
by Lamouchi Helmi


WEAP’s new version is launched

WEAP (Water Evolution and Planning) has been looking for solutions to preserve fresh water and developing strategies to live within certain water budget in a sustainable manner. WEAP’s teamwork is working in almost all over t...
by Lamouchi Helmi